Wednesday, June 18, 2008

How to safeguard personal and financial data

Method use by criminals to gain access to the personal information that makes the crimes possible are changing with our times. Today, criminals are discovering that personal data can be as good as money and they are increasingly targeting business to get it. Anti-virus software, step to avoid notified, use strong password, guard social security number and use a credit limit with a small limit can go a long way to protect personal database from loss and identity theft.

PROTECT COMPUTER SECURITY.Securing home computer is not a trivial task. Anti-virus programs work and look at the at the contents of each file, searching for specific patterns that will give virus signature for something known to be harmful. anti-virus program provides sereval options on how to respond, such as removing the offering patterns or destroying the files.

STEP TO AVOID NOTIFIED. Individuals can use to be notified when their sensitive personal information has been breached, so they can take reasonable step to avoid becoming victims of identity theft. For Examples, carefully checking their credit reports, reviewing their financial statements and fraud alerts on their credit files.

USE STRONG PASSWORD. Passwords for computer are much important for us to safeguard personal and financial data. For each computer and service we use for online or purchasing must have a password. Furthermore, each password should be unique and unrealated to any of other passwords.

GUARD SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. Social security number maybe on driver's license, health card, student ID. It may be available for thieves who want to imprersonate or rob you. By doing this way, give social security number only when absolutely necessary, and ask to use other types of identifiers in order to safeguard personal and financial data.

USE A CREDIT LIMIT WITH A SMALL LIMIT AND REVIEW BANK STATEMENT. It is easy for us to safeguard financial data because the card use for purchases goods has a low credit limit, at least thieves won't be able to more than credit limit. Besides that, if the object to any entry or omission in your account statement in respect of any calender month, must immediate inform the bank as failure to do so shall imply the acceotance of the account stsment and its correctness.

As conclusion, there are several step highlighting the important of protecting user from the threat of identify theft.

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